There are many terms on this methodology page.
To understand the texts, you need to know the terms of Hungarian grammar.
The methodology of easy-to-understand communication differs from the use of grammatical rules in standard language.
Here you can read about the specific methodology of easy-to-understand communication.
With its use we can write, speak or understand easily.
We can make a movie or make a website.
It is easy to understand on several levels.
Types of easy-to-understand communication
- written information
- video information
- voice information
- online information
Easy-to-understand texts on primary and secondary level
Easy-to-understand text can be written on primary or on secondary level.
This website contains original easy-to-understand texts.
The primary is originally an easy to understand text.
Secondary easy-to-understand texts are translations of original (non easy-to-understand) texts.
A place for easy-to-understand communication on a global map of language levels
The table shows the location of the easy-to-understand communication.
Easy-to-understand communication displays the complexity of a given language on level 2 of the global language scale.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | |
Intra – language communication levels in Hungarian | AAK elemei | könnyen érthető kommunikáció | egyszerű nyelv | köznyelv | szaknyelv |
Intra – language communication levels in German | unterstützte Kommunikation | Leichte Sprache | Einfache Sprache | Standardsprache | Fachsprache |
Intra – language communication levels in English | supported communication | Easy to understand/read communication | Plain Language | Standard Language | Technical Language |
Common European Reference Level (CEFR) | A1-A2 | A2-B1 | B1-B2 | C1-C2 | |
applicable syntactic language level | 1 | 2/1, 2/2, 2/3 | 2/1, 2/2, 2/3 | 2/1, 2/2, 2/3, 2/4 | 2/2, 2/3, 2/4 |
Increasingly understandable content with decreasing complexity (moving from right to left) |
Table: Easy-to-understand communication in the system of levels within the language (source: Hansen-Schirra & Maaß, 2020, 18; Farkasné Gönczi, 2020, 2021)
Easy-to-understand communication level selection considerations
Defining levels with the following questions:
WHO- age, cognitive level and experience of the person providing the information
FOR WHOM- the age, ability and experience of the person receiving the information
WHAT- a topic
HOW – selected level of easy to understand communication
WITH WHAT- the chosen tools and system for easy-to-understand communication
Levels of easy-to-understand communication in the applied language from a syntactic point of view
Level 1: Supported Communication – Communication methods and tools preceding easy-to-understand communication.
Level 2, Sublevel 1: Simple, minimal sentence
In the sentence we use the subject, the predicate and the adjunct attached.
The sentence should consist of 8 words.
On sublevel 1 you can also write a sentence.
The simple sentence contains only a subject and a predicate.
Level 2, Sub-level 2: Simple sentence
The sentence contains other adjunct in addition to the fix ones.
The sentence should consist of 8 words.
The sentence structure of sublevel 1 can also be used.
Level 2, Sublevel 3: Complex sentence
Complex sentences are made in integral or non-integral subordinate form.
Sentence sections are recommended to consist maximum 2 clauses.
In the subordinate sentences we may avoid words referring to the object, the predicate, the subject, the adverbs or the adjectives.
For example avoid the use of demonstrative pronouns.
Use real conjunctions instead of demonstartive pronouns.
A real conjunction is for example the word “that.”
In linear storytelling the main clause preceeds the clause.
Commas or conjunctions are used in complex sentence.
Multi-word conjunctions should be avoided.
The complex sentence can be contradictory, selective, inferring, and circumstancial.
Preferably one-element conjunction is used in the coordinate clause.
The sentence structure of sub-level 1 and sub-level 2 can also be used.
Level 2, Sub-level 4: Multiple complex sentence
The context of the sentence is difficult to interpret.
The use of multiple complex sentences should be avoided.
From the clauses of a multiple-complex sentence make separate simple sentences.
If you still have to apply that particular sentence than
use compound clause.
The compound sentence provides linear storytelling.
The demonstrative pronouns can be used at this level.
The sentence structure of sublevel 1, sublevel 2 and sublevel 3 can also be used.
Supports the level of communication within the language
degrees of practical application of topic-oriented images
Level 1: Image Series
The sequence uses alternative communication.
The sequence of images show the steps of the activity.
Level 2: Sequences of images with sentence support
One image comes with one sentence.
The sentence clarifies the meaning of the image or photo.
The set of recipes in Hungarian are examples for that under the kitchen menu on the website.
Level 3: Sentences with visual aids
A text comes with an image.
The image helps to interpret the text.
Examples of this level are the articles in Hungarian under the website news.
Level 4: Units of text with an orientation image
The text has an image attached to it.
The image helps to define the subject of the story.
Website news serve as good examples for this level.
Level 5: Text with a theme-oriented image
An image belongs to the whole text.
The image helps to define the subject of the text.
An example of this level is the dictionary in Hungarian on the website.
Level 6: Text without image
Text without any additional support.
We know to whom the easy-to-understand text is for.
We know in what form we work.
We may present our information in a simple and understandable way.
We should involve people with intellectual disability in the preparation process.
Content rules (rules for the use of language signs)
- Reasonable, concise wording.
- Simple sentences.
- Preferably 1 piece of information should be in 1 sentence.
- Constructive wording.
- Use of primarily verb forms.
- Use of positive sentence structure instead of denial if possible.
- Avoid complicated words.
- We should always use the same word indicating the same thing.
- Avoid foreign words, acronims and abbreviations.
If foreign words or acronims cannot be avoided than they should be explained. - Write the text directly to the person.
- The same topics should be in one part of text!
- Use Arabic numbers.
- Avoid Roman numbers.
Formal rules (rules for the use of non-linguistic signs)
Font usage:
- Easy to read font. For example: Ariel, Tahoma.
- Avoid using italics.
- Avoid using special word processing.
For example, a shaded or outlined letter. - Font size must be 14 or larger.
- Complete words should not be capitalized.
- The text must be written with the same font.
Editing rules:
- Use a clean, light background.
- Text and background should be well separated.
- Sentence should be in one line.
- Pronouns should be used with caution.
- Avoid punctuation and brackets.
- Put each sentence on a new line.
- Long sentences should be cut in line accordingly.
- Choose an obvious title for your text.
- Put important information at the beginning of the text.
- Important information can be written in bold.
- Text to the left.
- Don’t have a lot of text on one page.
- We can help to interpret the text with a photo or a picture or a symbol.
Rules of easy to understand communication during Advent
Farkasné Gönczi Rita (2018). A könnyen érthető kommunikáció fogalma és szabályrendszere nemzetközi és hazai példák, illetve magyar tapasztalati szakértők javaslatai alapján. Gyógypedagógiai Szemle 46 (1).
Farkasné Gönczi Rita (2021). Könnyen érthető kommunikáció fogalma, nyelvi szintjei és alkalmazhatósága a látássérülés kontextusában. In Dimenzióváltások a látássérült személyek pedagógiája és rehabilitációja mátrixában. Nemzetközi konferencia a Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe alkalmából az ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar szervezésében. (szerk. farkasné Gönczi), ELTE BGGYK, Budapest
Hansen-Schirra, S. / Maaß, C. (2020). “Easy Language, Plain Language, Easy Language Plus: Perspectives on Comprehensibility and Stigmatisation”. In Hansen-Schirra, S. / Maaß, C. (eds) Easy Language Research: Text and User Perspectives. Text and User Perspectives. Berlin, Frank & Timme (Easy – Plain – Accessible, 2), pp. 17-38.
More useful literature on the subject
Inclusion Europe: Information for everyone. European principles for easy communication. The publication can be downloaded here in English.
KLAARA-VERKOSTO: Network of Finnish Easy Language Researchers
Down Foundation: How to make an easy-to-understand resource? Guidelines
The publication can be downloaded here in Hungarian.
Rita Farkasné Gönczi (2014): Easy to understand communication. Adaptation Handbook for Secondary School Teachers, FSZK
Rita Farkasné Gönczi (2013): Language Levels of Easy-to-Understand Communication, Special Education Review
The article can be downloaded here in Hungarian.
Rita Farasné Gönczi, Éva Graf- Jaksa (2009): Easy-to-understand communication, Knowledge Base for Disability, Eötvös Loránd University
The publication can be downloaded here in Hungarian.
Articles on the accessibility website by Tamás Verdes.